Sunday, November 2, 2008

Iranian Exile Speaks Out

Amir Fakhravar was exiled into what is called a "white torture" after he spoke out against the Iranian regime. In 2004, at the age of 17, Fakhravar was punished for 5 years after he gave speeches and wrote articles going against the ideas of the Iranian regime. For 8 months of those 5 years, Fakhravar experienced sensory deprivation where he was only exposed to white. He was in a white cell with white light and wore white clothes. He was fed white rice and had to slide a white piece of paper under the door when he had to go to the bathroom. This kind of torture is used in trying to mentally weaken the prisoners. Fakhravar escaped only after the regime changed. Fakhravar said that the Iranians are trying to instill a fear in all Iranian children and people into converting into Shia Islam.
I think that this really depicts the lack of freedom in Iran. People are punished and tortured for years and years for merely speaking against the regime. The media system is not free and Fakhravar spent much of his life suffering for what he did. In America, something like this would never happen. Every day journalists speak out against the government and provide the public with their opinion without any kind of punishment.

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