Saturday, February 21, 2009

Another Russian Journalist's Murder goes Unavenged

According to the Wall Street Journal Europe, yet another Russian journalist has been murdered without the killer being brought to justice.
Prosecutors say Anna Politkovskaya was followed on her way home and shot to death in an elevator by Rustam Makhmudov. Makhmudov then fled the country, and is rumored to be hiding in Europe.
The men who helped Makhmudov were put on trial in Moscow, but were acquited of all wrong doing. One of the men on trial was an ex-police officer with ties to the Kremlin. Prosecutors say that the Federal Security Service were of little to no help in the investigation, and may have tipped several of the co-conspirators off on how to leave the country without detection before the start of the trial.
This may be the death nail of journalism's coffin in Russia. The court system is defunct, the criminals are the pawns of the ruling party, and police turn a blind eye to the deaths of journalists.
Maybe it is time to start over. Maybe this morally bankrupt government should see what happens when it continues to keep it's citizens ignorant and hungry. Let's hope Putin wises up before he has to find out first hand what a Molotov Cocktail can do.

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