Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Croatia to Extend Witness and Victim Support

Recently, Croatian government officials created a new system that would better protect witnesses of crimes. This initiative would improve the legal system and the nation's confidence in the legal system. This change has indirect yet significant consequences to the media systems. With any improvements in the legal system, improvements on the freedom of the media and journalists is sure to improve as well.

The problems for witnesses first emerged during a trial for Croatian military personnel. Because people refused to testify in the case, the legal system saw the need to improve their protection, in order to ensure fair trial and the conviction of those who have committed crimes and who are guilty.

This problem was address with advances in technology. This technology allowed the legal system to change their ways and truly make improvements. This advancement in technology can also correlate to the advancement in technologies that allowed blogging to occur. Blogs and things like facebook, have created new openings in technology, media and even in the court of law. These improvements show significant change in the Croatian culture, and with that change the advancement of freedom in these areas will improve as well.

Jennifer McKenzie

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