Sunday, October 19, 2008

Comic blogs about Mediaset

Although a very short article I found it very interesting and revealing about Italian media systems. Obviously I was attracted at first due to the title about Mediaset, the overpowering media system run by former prime minister Berulsconi. In this article is goes on to say that a Genovese comic goes on to mock Berlusconi"s position in office and the position he hold in the media business. He mentions that if the company was taken over then "real journalists" could take over. This is an obvious jab at the political programs in the country, the programs that feature "journalists" who are either so one-sided no real news get told or they are more like actors.

The other reason I found this article interesting was because the comic posted all of this on a BLOG. This blog post made front page news in the Corrierre della Sera, an English Italian newspaper. I Found this very interesting because with blogging being a relatively new phenomenon it is amazing that this story could generate that much interest.

Tricia Masturzo

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