Thursday, April 30, 2009

The 10 Worst Countries to be a Blogger

The Committee to Protect Journalists, CPJ names the worst online oppressors. Burma leads the dishonor roll. Booming online cultures in many Asian and Middle Eastern nations have led to aggressive government repression.
“10 Worst Countries to be a Blogger” also identifies a number of countries in the Middle East and Asia where Internet penetration has blossomed and government repression has grown in response.

Relying on a mix of detentions, regulations, and intimidation, authorities in Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Egypt have emerged as the leading online oppressors in the Middle East and North Africa. China and Vietnam, where burgeoning blogging cultures have encountered extensive monitoring and restriction, are among Asia’s worst blogging nations. Cuba and Turkmenistan, nations where Internet access is heavily restricted, round out the dishonor roll.
Read more, click here

by Ming Kuok, LIM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Croatia to Extend Witness and Victim Support

Recently, Croatian government officials created a new system that would better protect witnesses of crimes. This initiative would improve the legal system and the nation's confidence in the legal system. This change has indirect yet significant consequences to the media systems. With any improvements in the legal system, improvements on the freedom of the media and journalists is sure to improve as well.

The problems for witnesses first emerged during a trial for Croatian military personnel. Because people refused to testify in the case, the legal system saw the need to improve their protection, in order to ensure fair trial and the conviction of those who have committed crimes and who are guilty.

This problem was address with advances in technology. This technology allowed the legal system to change their ways and truly make improvements. This advancement in technology can also correlate to the advancement in technologies that allowed blogging to occur. Blogs and things like facebook, have created new openings in technology, media and even in the court of law. These improvements show significant change in the Croatian culture, and with that change the advancement of freedom in these areas will improve as well.

Jennifer McKenzie

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Aung San Suu Kyi receives support internationally

Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma's most well-known political prisoner, has been on house arrest for the past 19-years. She is now receiving international support from Philippine's President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Arroyo met with Burma's prime minister, Thein Sein, last week in Thailand for the regional summit. There seems to be positive consideration for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi according to the Philippine Foreign Affairs Department. President Arroyo urges the Burmese government to release Suu Kyi because it "would create 'tremendous goodwill' for Burma internationally.

Bayyina Black

Obama concerned about US-Iranian journalist

President Barack Obama expressed that he is “deeply concerned" for the safety of US-Iranian journalist, Roxana Saberi, who officials claimed to be a US spy and was sentenced to eight years in Tehran’s prison.

"I have complete confidence that she was not engaging in any sort of espionage," said Obama to reporters in Trinidad where he attended a regional summit April 19.

"Please take the necessary measures to ensure that the process of examining the charges against the aforementioned individuals are being carried out carefully and fairness, justice and regulations are observed," Obama wrote in a letter to prosecutors.

"Please, personally observe the process to ensure that the defendants are allowed all legal rights and freedom in defending themselves and that their rights are not violated even by one iota," reported Iranian official government news agency Irna.

By Eka Obaigbena
Group: Iran

Berlusconi's character questioned

This blog is in response to Berlusconi's behavior with other world leaders in front of the press. While talking with group members today, one of them mentioned seeing him leave German Chancellor Angela Merkel standing when he arrived at the second day of the Nato summit on April 4th. He was there to take a photo with her, but arrived on the phone and left her standing for close to 15 minutes. While looking for something to blog about I came across the video, but not before also finding many other examples of him acting out in front of world leaders.

For instance, I found an article about him shouting to get President Obama's attention at a reception with world leaders at the G20 summit. It was rumored that his behavior offended the Queen of England. The article also mentioned that he was criticized for referring to Obama as "young, handsome and tanned" in November. Berlusconi defended his remark about Obama being "tan," saying that he ment it as a compliment, referring to a song about having to be tan to be attractive.

And also at last year's summit, he was filmed playing "hide and seek" with Chancellor Merkel, as he hid behind a large column when she walked past.

I think these are prime examples of the ways in which Berlusconi may be a powerful leader in Italy, but acts like a child in in front of the rest of the world. His character is definitely something to be questioned, as it seems many world leaders are not amused by his antics. How can anyone respect a leader when he proves his immaturity over and over again.

-Jessica Perry

Low Ratings call for wake up

Recent downgrades by international ratings agencies reflect economic and political risks in Thailand. As a result businesses, especially those with weak financial status, need to do more to prepare funding plans for their long-term investments, according to Kasikorn Research Center.

The market has partially absorbed economic risk over almost the past four years, but Thailand has been facing protracted political tension as well.

In December last year, five international rating agencies: S&P, Fitch, Rating & Investment Information (R&I), Japan Credit Rating Agency (JCR) and Moody's Investors Service downgraded the country's rating outlook from stable to negative though they maintained the overall sovereign ratings.

However, in the medium or long term, increasing financial costs might affect businesses operations and funding plans for new investments by the private sector. As a result, businesses should prepare early based on the assumption that credit ratings would not be upgraded.

Nice to finally see something in the news that we did a lot of studying on. Hopefully Thailand can bounce back and pull themselves up on the ratings.

Mary Baumer (Thailand)

Italy: Day of Grief

After April 10th Thursday evening’s after shock of the earthquake, rescue workers discovered 2 more victims, a mother of 53 yrs. and her daughter of 18 yrs. In Corriere della Sera, Berlusconi announced his sorrow for those who lost loved ones during the earthquake. “I want to thank the residents of Abruzzo for their composure and their demonstration of public spirit. It is a lesson for all Italians. Today, their dead are the dead of the entire nation”. Berlusconi expects to ask the European Commission for funds between 400 to 500 million euros over three years. The Prime Minister said, “I want to thank the residents of Abruzzo for their composure and their demonstration of public spirit. It is a lesson for all Italians. Today, their dead are the dead of the entire nation”. He wants to restore Italy back from its ruins.

Italy- Sun Kim

The Internet and State Control in Authoritarian Regimes: China, Cuba, and the Counterrevolution

Many authoritarian regimes translate a long and successful history of control over other information and communication technologies into strong control of Internet development within their borders. Potential challenges to the state may arise from Internet use in several areas: the mass public, civil society, the economy, and the international community. Authoritarian states will likely respond to these challenges with a variety of reactive measures: restricting Internet access, filtering content, monitoring on-line behavior, or even prohibiting Internet use entirely. In addition, such states seek to extend central control through proactive strategies, guiding the development of the medium to promote their own interests and priorities. Through a combination of reactive and proactive strategies, an authoritarian regime can counter the challenges posed by Internet use and even utilize the Internet to extend its reach and authority.

In this paper we illustrate how two authoritarian regimes, China and Cuba, are maintaining control over the Internet’s political impact through different combinations of reactive and proactive strategies. These cases illustrate that, contrary to assumptions, different types of authoritarian regimes may be able to control and profit from the Internet. Examining the experiences of these two countries may help to shed light on other authoritarian regimes’ strategies for Internet development, as well as help to develop generalizable conclusions about the impact of the Internet on authoritarian rule.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Croatia: British Gov. vs. Croatia

The attack on Ivo Pukanic, controversial editor of Croatia's Nacional newspaper, and several other attacks on prominent figures have led the British government to warn visitors of Croatia this summer to beware of organized crime. Travel advice for Croatia posted on the website of Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office states, "There is an underlying threat from terrorism and organised crime in Croatia. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers." In response, a BBC article claims, "Croatia is cursed by crime ad corruption."

Of course, Croatia is not pleased.

Croatian officials are especially distraught over potential effects on the rapidly approaching summer tourist season (tourism generates almost 20% of the country's gross domestic product). Dubravko Novak, a secretary at the interior minister's office, even went as far to say that the article had been purposely published just before the summer tourist season. Though this may seem unfounded, some believe that the warning may have been provoked by Croatia's lifting of visa restriction on the citizens of Russia and the Ukraine, "since many people consider residents of those two countries to be actual or potential criminals."

--Ellen Leto

Economic Crisis affects on Croatia

The Croatian government was criticized by Croatian Telecom CEO Ivica Mudrinic for its lack of vision and strategy to get Croatia out of the current economic crisis.  According to an article in Croatia's Nacional Mudrinic gave an interview to about stating how he accused the government of inactivity, lack of strategy for the recession and inability to carry out the necessary reforms.  This criticism by Mudrinic, who is not only a top member in a Croatian company, but also member of the ruling party and minister in HDZ government in the 90s, is very rare.

In another article from the IMF explained how The IMF met with Croatian authorities and discussed the recent global and domestic developments and policies needed to preserve macroeconomic and financial stability.  The article reported that "However, no economy can remain fully immune to the turmoil [that has evolved into the greatest global economic crisis in 60 years]."  It is explained that priority should be given to preserving financial stability.  Liquidity conditions should also remain under control. This revised budget, adopted in early April also pushes for tight control over spending and improvements in tax administration as well.  Further specifics of the budget can be found in the article itself.  Over all the IMF was "grateful to the authorities and its other interlocutors for the open discussions, excellent cooperation, and warm hospitality." 

-Lindsey Nass

Thailand PM calls State of Emergency

On Friday April 17th Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva issued a state of emergency and said he "would hold an investigation on the assassination attempt of a prominent protest leader Sondhi," as the political crises continues.

      It is unlikely that Thailand will be returning to normal, in Bangkok and the surrounding areas, any time soon. The street battles that left two dead on Monday and 100 or more wounded only continues to escalate. Early this morning media  mogul, Sondhi Limthongkul, founder of the movement that toppled the previous government, known as the People’s Alliance for Democracy, or PAD, was attacked. According to local witnesses, an unidentified truck began shooting Sondhi’s vehicle with automatic weapons around 5 a.m when Sondhi was heading to work. With more than 100 bullets shot at his car, Sondhi escaped alive with a shot at his shoulder and one  bullet surgically removed from his skull.

            The week of violent protest of the “red shirts,” supporters of formers Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Battlefield ended when the remaining 3,000  surrendered to the government on Tuesday morning. For now the “yellow shirts,”  PAD supporters have remained silent. "As far as I know, at this time we won't move yet. The leaders have said we will move when it is the right time," said Pattama Deemee, a 48-year-old Bangkok business owner and PAD supporter. "In my opinion this is the beginning of underground activity meant to make us feel unsafe. This is a hard game for Abhisit and the Thai people. We will never know what will happen next." Sondhi's PAD movement has been instrumental in toppling two Thaksin-aligned governments, most recently in late 2008. Oddly, Sondhi and Thaksin are former business partners and, according to reports, onetime friends.

            “Thaksin, a billionaire telecom tycoon who is in hiding after being sentenced to jail on corruption charges, has given a spate of interviews in international media in recent days. He has called for a "people's revolution" to overthrow the Abhisit government and has also promised to return to Thailand,” according to the Los Angels Times world report.

By Lisa Schaffer

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

China debut's 2-year human rights action plan

China recently issued a two-year human rights action plan. This is a monumental step for the Communist government of China, as well as for its citizens. China is a country known for denying basic rights to its citizens and also repressing some of their freedoms.

The human rights action plan promises to raise China's living standards, and "gives priority to the protection of the people's rights to subsistence and development." Another important issue is the fact that the plan calls for the creation of a state-level office to deal with issues and complaints, and allows the people of China to directly send their complaints via e-mail, letter or fax to the Chinese government.

Many Human rights groups and citizens are praising China's new plan, however Si-si Liu, a Hong-Kong based researcher for Amnesty International, says the plan has serious flaws. "It fails to address key areas where there are serious, ongoing violations of human rights," such as the "re-education through labor" system, in which the government sends people to prisonlike camps for up to four years without a trial, Liu said. "We urge China to do more," she said.

Positive and negative criticism of the plan is a great sign that many groups and individuals are committed to facilitating change within China. However the bottom line is that China's historically strict and powerful government needs to take decisive action with regards to the plan and be fully committed to progress if there will ever be change within China.

-Jacob Gluckman

Monday, April 13, 2009

Twitter aids Russian revolt

Demonstrators recently took to the streets in the Chisinau region capital, Moldova, last week in protest of the “Communist Party’s suspiciously large electoral victory a few days earlier,” according to Newsweek. This event has raised questions as to whether the once Romanian-turned Russian region could launch an anti-Communist revolution on the scale of Georgia and the Ukraine.

The student organized protest, which brought out more than 10,000 people to the main square, was organized through the use of social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. While the protests started out peaceful on Monday, organized by a young Russian journalist, they quickly became violent by Tuesday and escaladed Friday, as more radical twitter protesters took to the streets.

As a part of the “Twitter revolution,” the tools are being used by young people in the region, specifically the capital of Moldovan, to express their discontent and interact with others sharing these counter-Communist ideas. “’Omg I feel so sick that I am living in Moldova back to the ussr,’ read one of the thousands of Twitter posts labeled with the tag #pman,’ shorthand for the Romanian name of Chisnau’s largest square.” Protesters organized by the #pman stream stated that the government would use the threat of a Romanian coup as an excuse for illegal arrests, according to Spiegel Online International.

Jenn Lynch
Team Russia

Obama set to visit Mexico

An LA Times article, urges Obama to focus his efforts when he visits Mexico later this week. In addition to military expenditures, there are hopes that he concentrates on the drug proble. It was quoted, "It does no good to capture drug kingpins if they don't go to jail. During 2008, only one out of every 10 suspects arrested in Mexico for drug offenses was convicted, according to official statistics. In Chihuahua, one of the bloodiest states in the country, only 1,621 out of the 5,674 suspects arrested over the last 12 months have even had to stand trial, because of the weakness of the prosecutors' cases."

The solution was dubbed as "effective instiution -building" by cracking down on the justice system and giving it a complete overhaul. I think that's a good solution. Obviously the problem is not minor and tweak here or there will not fix it. A complete restructuring of the justice system needs to be done. It is transparent that criminals are not scared of the system and know that they will get away with anything. Fear needs to be invoked in them.

By: Urja Dave (Mexico)

Economic crisis in Iran makes Sun newspaper close

The economic crisis is not just affected the U.S. but all around the globe, and is especially putting a damper in the newsrooms in Iran.   The crisis has brought this daily to extinction only 6 months after being released.  
The closure of the sun, also known as Khorshid began with a mass amount of journalists residing, which dropped sales drastically.  Khorshid was launched in October by one of Ahmadinejad's aides. It is based on a populist mix of human interest, entertainment and sports with minimal political news.  The predicted sale amount was 200,000 and was planning on that number rising well into the future.  Circulation dropped to 60,000 after plans to expand the daily from 24 to 36 full-color pages, but because of the sale drop, it went from 24 to 16 pages. The new theme of the upcoming year in Iran has been said to cut consumption, as the country tries to cope with this recession.  

- Amanda Reinstein (IRAN)

Russia Buys Spy Drones From Israel

Russia has purchased unmanned "reconnaissance drones" from an Israeli company. The deal is said to have been made because of Russia's outdated and inferior equipment currently in use.

According to the AFP, "Moscow began shopping for foreign unmanned aircraft after last year's war in Georgia. Defence analysts say Georgia made effective use of its Israeli drones in the conflict, while Russia's home-made drones turned out to be inferior."

The Russian military has admitted that the spy aircraft made in their own country is not as effective as those manufactured in other countries, and, according to United Press International, "that the purchase was designed 'to show our industry what it is,' RIA Novosti said."

The Israeli company which sold the crafts was not specified by the Russian defense minister, but was named in reports to be either Israel Aerospace Industries or Israel Aircraft Industries.

The drones, which are used by the military for surveillance, require no pilot aboard to fly. To learn about what the drones do, check out wikipedia's article.

by Malerie Bickhart (team Russia)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mexico Ambassador Says U.S. Fuels Drug Trade

This past Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation," Mexico Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan said that weapons and money flowing from the U.S. into Mexico is helping fuel the violent drug trade taking place there.

"The key issue right now is how can the United States help to shut down those guns and shut down that bulk cash that is providing the drug syndicates in Mexico with the wherewithal to corrupt, to bribe, to kill," says Sarukhan.

With President Obama preparing to travel to Mexico this coming week Sarukhan is attributing 90% of the weapons in Mexico to the U.S. and also said the influx of guns is directly linked to the expiration of an assault-weapons ban in the U.S. in 2004.

The Obama adminstration said it has been taking several steps to provide more assistance to Mexico in its fight against drug violence, including providing more federal agents to try to stop gun smuggling.

Earlier in the month the U.S. and Mexico Attorney Generals met in hopes to discuss plans to stop the flow of illegal guns, weapons, and cash traveling between the two countries.

So far however, the U.S.'s efforts seem to be making no progress and alternative action will most likely need to be taken.

-Ashley Mickelwaite, Mexico

China Blocks YouTube and Google remains Ambitious

China Blocks YouTube and Google remains Ambitious
Internet giant Google announced in late March that YouTube was blocked in China, the New York Times reported on March 24. According to the Xinhua news agency, a fabricated video depicting Tibetan being brutally beat by Chinese police after riots in the Tibetan Capital, Lhasa last year made by supporters of the Dalai Lama was to blame.
While China routinely blocks individual videos on YouTube, it is not common for the entire site to be disabled. It is speculated that the blocking of YouTube is in conjunction with China’s effort to heighten its Internet Censorship in recent months. The site also hosts videos about the Tienanmen Square protests and many other subjects that Chinese authorities find objectionable.
Despite this block, it is interesting to note that Google, just a few days later, on March 30, announced that it had begun to offer in China links to free music downloads, a service it does not offer anywhere else in the world. China is one of the few markets where Google is behind. A blockade of its video-sharing site will not deter the internet giant from market expansion in China.
China can do what it wants. The point is: it is too great an internet market. Profit/China wins.
Rachel Clement (China)

Protester Detained & Role of Burma's Military in 2010 Elections

On March 27, 2009, a protester in Twate Township, Rangoon was arrested by police according to an observer (as reported in Mizzima News).

The protester, who is a private tutor named Aung Phe, was taken away by authorities after standing for over five hours outside of the National League for Democracy (NLD) office building. On-lookers reported that he did not shout or hold any signs. However, his presence was enough to elicit arrest.

This incident is just one of the numerous examples of how Burma's government (currently, the military junta) will crack down on any protesters, regardless of the level of their action. Under the threat of arrest and imprisonment, the leaders of the government are prohibiting free speech.

As the country of Burma looks ahead to the 2010 free democratic elections, the military is preparing to assist in making a "smooth transition to democracy," according to the Democratic Voice of Burma. The government's second in command, Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, spoke to graduates of the Defense Services (Army) Officers Training School in Rangoon on April 10, 2009 (as reported by the Democratic Voice of Freedom). In his remarks, Maung Aye told the audience that the government is expecting a period of instability as the country transitions to democratic leadership. In 1990, free elections were held in Burma. Although the NLD won by an overwhelming amount, the residing government (the military junta) refused to relinquish their position. Since that election, Burma's constitution has been revised but without the imput of the NLD. In addition, according to the new constitution, the head of the NLD, Aung San Suu Kyi, is prohibited from running.

The comments of General Maung Aye give us an idea of what to expect from the future 2010 election. It does not seem as if much progress has been made toward democracy since 1990 because the NLD has been eliminated from the planning of the elections and prohibited to have their leader participate. The fact that the government is preparing their troops to control the public's anticipated reaction to the elections shows us that detainments and arrests such as the one on March 27 will probably continue to happen even if and when the democratic elections take place.

~ Sarah Popovich (Group: Burma)

Iran's prisons and mistreatment of prisoners

The mistreatment of prisoners being held in corrections facilities all over the world is a problem that should not be over looked. In recent post we have seen how poorly the prisoners are treated in Iranian prisons; some situations become so bad it ultimately leads to death or sever illness. Iran's Evin prison is not notorious when it comes to mistreatment of prisoners, cover stories, and a lengthy wait for trial. In years past, there have been a number of Evin prisoners who have fallen victim to abuse and lack of medical treatment within the prison. For instance, in 2003 Iranian-Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi was arrested for taking photographs in front of the prison; while incarcerated Zahra Kazemi died, the government claimed she died from a stroke, when in truth she was raped and murdered.
Roxana Saberi who has been locked up in the Evin prison for some time now has still not been charged and although she isn't showing signs of abuse (reports her father) many are worried for her well being.
Craig W.

CROATIA: Serbian Misunderstanding on Genocide Remarks

On April 6th, Croatian president Stjepan Mesic was asked some very touchy questions about Croatia's intentions of resolving the lingering conclusion of the genocide lawsuit. The president was asked if there was a chance of withdrawal of the genocide case. President Mesic responded that the bilateral relationship between the two countries is "very good" and “discussions are being held about that, and we do not know what decision will be [reached] in the end”.

According to the article, Croatia first filed the lawsuit against the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in July of 1999; Serbia is the legal successor. The accusation? Genocide.

When a Serbian newspaper published the interview, the article stated that there was a possibility of Croatia withdrawing the case. President Mesic quickly responded to the article as inaccurate and that it (withdrawal) was out of the question.

Kelly Witmer
Croatia group

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva escapes with minor injuries.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday sustained minor injuries from attacks by a group of red-shirted protesters at the Interior Ministry, before narrowly escaping through a backdoor. In the attack four other men in his motorcade were also attacked. An unconfirmed report said Abhisit escaped from the compound through a backdoor and his motorcade was used as a decoy to keep the protesters inside the ministry. It is not immediately known how he sustained injuries to his arm. I think the current situation going on in Thailand is interesting, and will continue to keep an eye on it and see how it develops.

Zach Dobbin
Thailand Group

China: Shutdowns and Sexual Frustrations

In the wake of many Press Freedom agencies releasing their first batch of 2009 country reports, China once again finds itself on the naughty list of internet-abusing nations, to put it lightly. In fact, an unknown militant group called Reporters Without Borders has placed China front an center in it's list of "Internet Enemies" nations.

As mentioned in earlier blog posts, 2009 marks many "sensitive" anniversaries of political events in China, and that has made the Chinese government and censors jumpy. Recently, a new wave of censorship and intimidation has occurred, including but not limited to:

-a nationwide blocking of YouTube because of a posted video showing a Tibetan monk being beaten to death
-a retired professor was beaten by thugs for going to the gravesite of a politically-shamed leader, while police looked on
- a social commentator's website is shut down after posting articles moderately critical of arbitrary detentions.

But now a new threat from China has emerged: due to the infamous "one-child policy" of China which encourages the birth of boys and the abortion of girls, experts predict that the Chinese male population will outnumber females by 32 million by the next generation. The Business Insider states that "a nation full of single males is bound to be dangerous and volatile, with a voracious desire to sublimate sexual frustration into bigger and bigger toys: guns and missiles."

Food for thought.

-Steve Kwan

Profile on Irani Blogger Omidreza Mirsayafi

Earlier, we reported on the death of Irani blogger Omidreza Mirsayafi, who in March became the first death of a blogger in Iran, a culmination of strife and friction between critical bloggers and the intimidating Irani regime. Now, more details on the life and death of this blogger have come to light.

What scares most analysts is that Mirsayafi was not a prominent blogger; in fact, he was far from it. The possibility for any Irani blogger to be captured without notice by the the Irani authorities has never been higher. From the article:
"Omidreza was just an ordinary blogger," said Farhad Moradian, an Iranian Jewish emigre to Israel who writes a blog from Tel Aviv. "This is the big alarm."

Mirsayafi started his blog in 2006 as an online diary chronicling Irani life and pop-culture. Eventually, he became interested in politics on his blog as well. Many say he crossed the line in a June 2007 post where he condemned the memory of the late Islamic Revolution leader Ayatollah Khomeini.

He was arrested on April 22, 2008 and eventually released on bail. In November, he was brought before the Revolutionary Court and sentenced to 30 months in jail. Though he was told he could remain free while he attempted to appeal the charges, he was picked up again in February of this year and remained in Tehran's notorious Evin Prison until his death on March 18 due to an overdose of prison-supplied tranquilizers.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Case closed: Russian journalist's cause of death, closed case

On topic with the theme of violence against journalists, an article in the New York Times clearly depicts an instance with the death of Russian journalist, Yuri Shchekochikhin. Shchekochikhin was poisoned in 2003, yet no evidence was found to back up the claim. Now, six years later, Russian prosecutors want to close the case. The deceased was the colleague of Anna Politkovskaya, the famous journalist who was shot in close range in her apartment building in October of 2007. It is extremely unfortunate that journalists, like Shchekochikhin and Politkovskaya have met ill fates for reporting on facts accurately in what Freedom House consider’s to be a “not free” country. This reoccurring theme has left more than 21 reporters killed and Russian authorities doing minimal to protect the reporters.
By Rachel Rovner (Russia)

Anna Politkovskaya

Thursday, April 9, 2009

China: Chinese Hackers Infiltrate US, Steals USA's WOW Items

A few days ago, news broke on all the major media sources that the United States Electricity Grid might have been hacked into by people outside of the country.

Now, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that China is the one responsible for this cyber break-in.

According to the reports, the spies left malicious code and programming in the grid which could potentially disrupt operations. And while some security officials are pointing the finger at China already, China has, of course, denied any knowledge of such actions.

“The intrusion doesn’t exist at all,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu at a press conference. “We hope that the concerned media will prudently deal with some groundless remarks, especially those concerning accusations against China.”

China continues to flex its new internet prowess, while Americans obsess over how Kim Kardashian gets those fabulous curves going.

-Steve Kwan

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Albanians proud, Croats cool on joining NATO

Croatia and Albania are the newest members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.  According to this article, Albania has shown much more enthusiasm with regard to its membership.  While Albanians are brimming with pride, Croatia still has its sights set on EU membership, which has been a goal for quite some time.  Albania, one of the poorest countries in Europe, views NATO membership as great progress.  For Croatia, however, there was very little excitement over its membership, as it will not do much for Croatia's EU membership.  While this may be the goal, the progress of NATO membership is a positive sign.  And the lack of excitement shows the progress Croats have come to expect, especially when compared to a poor country like Albania.  Hopefully, the talks with Slovenia will continue, and EU membership is somewhere on the horizon for Croatia.

- Matt Orminski (Croatia)

A "Camping Weekend" for Italian Earthquake Victims

After an earthquake occurred in central Italy leaving over 250 dead, Prime Minister Berlusconi informed the thousands of citizens left homeless that they should view this as a "weekend of camping."

The natural disaster destroyed the town of L'Aquila. The 17,000 people left homeless were forced to "camp" outside in freezing cold temperatures and endure hail storms. However, Berlusconi told reporters for the channel on which the interview aired that those left homeless "lacked nothing" and were provided with medications, hot meals and shelter.

Of course, as could be expected, the interview did not air on the Italian television stations, but rather a German television station not correlated with the Berlusconi media empire. He made the comments as rescue workers searched for survivors from the powerful aftershocks.

-Jamie Bezozo

Thai protesters call for PM's resignation

Thousands of red shirted protesters called for the resgination of Thailand's current Prime Minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva. The protesters are loyal to former Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, who was outed in the 2006 Coup. The protesters said that by Wednesday demonstration they would draw up to 300,000 people.

The protesters are saying that the current Prime Minister, who has only held office for 4 months, did not elecet his government democratically and want him to resign.

Ashley Hartz

Russia Connected for 15 Years

As of this year, Russia has been officially a part of the World Wide Web for fifteen years with its Internet domain, .RU.  The .RU code was developed out of an agreement signed in December 1993 by prominent Russian Internet providers, “The order of RU top-level domain administration”.

Then, on April, 7, 1994 .RU was finally registered on the Internet Network Information Center (InterNIC. The .RU code represents the Russian federation. The first website with the national domain was . This site still exists today on Runet, which is another name for Russian Internet.

Before using the .RU domain, Russia had been using .SU, which stood for Soviet Union.  Then in 1993 it wanted its own state domain code, and was assigned the .RU code by the Russian Institute for Public Networks (RIPN), which was a scientific institution. However, Russia was not the first Soviet Union Republic to obtain a national representative domain.  Lithuania, Georgia, Estonia and Ukraine all obtained domains in 1992, and Latvia and Azerbaijan obtained domains earlier than Russia in 1993.

Yet, the .RU domain code still seems to be running successfully, and the RU-Center, the regional network service provider still exists.

Julianne Kriner


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Berlusconi's Lawyer has a History of Mistakes

It seems that this isn't the first time that British lawyer, David Mills, has landed himself in hot water with the law. Although currently convicted of accepting a bribe from Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, to falsely testify in court, he has a history of lapses in judgment in other law-related cases.

He was forbidden to practice law in Dubai, after trying to work on a deal to sell jets to Iran, because he never admitted that he had been the subject of an official investigation. Furthermore, he is also under investigation for a case involving Berlusconi and tax evasion on television film rights. He is also being prosecuted for possibly making money transfers to himself from a client's offshore account, without permission.

-Jamie Bezozo

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thailand Prime Minister Confident about Protest

Prime Minister Adhist Vajjajiva will address Thailand in a special televised program on Monday night at 8:45p.m. The Prime Minister chose tonight to address the nation because red shirt protestors are expected to stage a mass rally on Wednesday.

The Prime Minister will express the governmental position in reference to the massive protest to take place on Wednesday. Security agencies met this morning to prepare for the red shirt protest.

The Prime Minister is confident in the authority’s ability to keep the protest under control. He also expressed that the Thai government will not be declaring a state of emergency due to the protest.

-Marti Alhante
Thailand Group

YouTube blocked in China

China has blocked the popular video-sharing Web site YouTube but did not offer a reason for the ban.

March 25, 2009--The Chinese government should disclose the legal basis for the sudden, widespread inaccessibility of the video-sharing Web site YouTube, or it should restore access to the site immediately, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

Google said it did not know why the site had been blocked, but a report by the official Xinhua news agency of China on Tuesday said that supporters of the Dalai Lama had fabricated a video that appeared to show Chinese police officers brutally beating Tibetans after riots last year in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital.

China routinely filters Internet content and blocks material that is critical of its policies. It also frequently blocks individual videos on YouTube. YouTube was not blocked Tuesday or Wednesday in Hong Kong, the largely autonomous region of China. Beijing has not interfered with Internet sites there. The government did not directly address whether YouTube had been blocked.

Even as China steps up its censorship efforts, the country’s Internet participation is booming. Often, critics often find a way to avoid censors and debate controversial topics.

china ( Min-Suk kim)

Putin's Plan to Overcome Financial Crisis


90 Billion Dollars is at Stake to Fight the Current Economic Crisis in Russia.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin introduced the government’s anti-crisis program, and he quotes: “Russia has what it takes” to overcome the difficulties.

Putin assures the public that he and his ministers are working diligently to rectify the global financial turmoil that the country is currently trying to overcome.

Putin states: “Anti-crisis measures stipulate 1.4 trillion rubles in funds. On the whole, taking into account the effects of tax cuts, Central Bank funds, the National Welfare Fund and other sources to fight the consequences of the crisis and help the economy rebound, a total of 3 trillion rubles ($90 billion) has been allocated.”

The new plan proposed by Putin would mean a 70% increase of the budget spending on the national economy that would inevitably reach a record $52 billion a year.
The key defense sector will get approximately $5 billion (including loan guarantees) alone, and according to Putin “to protect the most important industries the government is ready to directly buy into companies' capital.”

Team Russia
Julianne Kriner

Sunday, April 5, 2009

CPJ calls for Iranian president's intervention in Saberi case through Facebook

The Committee to Protect Journalists called for the charges against Roxana Saberi, a freelance journalist being detained in Tehran's notorious Evin Prison for unclear reasons, to be made public and for the Iranian government to ensure that she will receive due process and be released as quickly as possible.

CPJ delivered a petition on March 9 in support of Saberi to the Islamic Republic of Iran's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York. With more than 10,000 signatures, the petition requested the direct intervention of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

CPJ launched its Facebook petition in support of Saberi on March 2, with the aim of collecting 1,000 signatures. The public outcry against her detention was so great that CPJ extended the deadline for signatures four additional days.

"We hope that this petition conveys to President Ahmadinejad and the Iranian leadership the depth of concern for Roxana Saberi," said CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon. "All of us are anxious to see her released as soon as possible. But at a minimum, she is entitled to basic due process. We call on President Ahmadinejad to ensure that her basic human rights are respected."

By Eka Obaigbena
Group: Iran

Report says Iran may hold Saberi for prolonged period

Iranian-American freelance journalist, Roxana Saberi, who has been detained without charge since January, might remain in Tehran's notorious Evin Prison for a prolonged period.

In a telephone conversation with her father, Saberi said a prosecutor told her she would remain in detention for "months or even years," The New York Times reported today.

The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by the news of her likely prolonged stay in the prison.

"We are very deeply concerned by the circumstances of Roxana Saberi's detention," said CPJ Middle East and North Africa Program Coordinator Mohamed Abdel Dayem. "She continues to be held without charge, while officials have offered shifting reasons for her detention."

Iranian officials have issued conflicting explanations for her detention, which have ranged from being held for buying wine to being held for reporting without proper accreditation, or even no reason given at all.

"We are particularly concerned about Saberi's welfare, especially in light of where she is being held," CPJ's Abdel Dayem said.

Thousands have petitioned for the release of Saberi, who has worked for NPR, ABC, and the BBC.

By Eka Obaigbena
Group: Iran

Berlusconi puts NATO on hold

This article about Berlusconi's arrival at the NATO meeting where he is to meet German leader Angela Merkel on the red carpet and incredibly rudely took a phone call right as the car door opens. Lucky for all news audience members who want to see this rude entrance there is a video of this occurrance along with the audio of him giggling and pacing along a waterfront. Though it was later revealed that this phone call was with Turkey's prime minister regarding a the Danish Prime minister as new NATO chief. Though it was not a casual call to a friend, the act itself was rude, the uncomfortable public wait of Merkel was painful to watch.

This week Berlusconi has insulted the Queen of England with his loud voice and greetings, as well as complimenting Obama on his "tan". This is yet another example of the high status Berlusconi holds, he can get away with rude behavior and no one reprimands him. This will certainly not be the last story of his poor manners.

Becca Hallac
Italy Group

Italians protest over economic crisis

Hundreds of thousands of Italians marched in Rome, Italy today, shouting anti-government slogans, protesting against Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's handling of the economic crisis.

The story was reported in the British newspaper Herald Sun and described Italians varying from students, to workers, to leftist politicians took to the streets in Rome with red banners and balloons, blocking off traffic to much of central Rome. One of the banners at the scene read "Enough! It's time Italy fires Berlusconi!"

A protester was quoted in the newspaper saying how the government keeps making announcements, when instead they should give checks to people who lose their jobs. He made a statement saying "Berlusconi talks and talks but the money never shows up."

Its estimated up to 500,000 Italians can lose their job within a two-year span, up to mid 2010.The amount of Italians unemployed can be much higher than in 2007 when the economic crisis began.

More of this story can be read on the Herald Sun's website.

Eva Bruce (Italy)

Croatia Involvment with US-Afghanistan War

Croatia is selling 19,000 AK-47 assault rifles to the United States. The deal has been made, only the price has not been set yet, the Vecernji list daily reported. It is estimated that the price of the weapons could be at least two billion euros, depending on the state of the rifle and the probably lower price due to good partnership relations between Croatia and the United States.

The American reasons for making this deal are two: the lower price and the current state of equipment of Afghan troops that are mostly armed with various types of Kalashnikovs, which are assault rifles whose resilience and almost perfect performance in all weather conditions are well known.

It was interesting to see this article because we rarely or never hear about different countries' involvement with the US wars in our mainstream media.

-Vikash Kothari
Croatia Group

Obama praises new NATO members Albania and Croatia

On April 1st, Croatia was inducted in to the NATO as their 27th member. However, the introduction was much overlooked because of Obama's presence as well as protests. Obama praised Croatia and their entry into the NATO, including their reforms in order to make this possible.
The entrance into the NATO leads Croatia closer to the European boarders. This entry is essential in the transformation of Croatia in their economic, cultural, and communication development. Because of their new involvement, both Croatia and Albania are sending troops and equipment to Afghanistan.
The people of Croatia were extremely excited about the entrance into NATO when the decision was first made. However, the excitement really peaked when the people of the nation understood this step as a giant achievement in their foreign policies. This agreement is a seen as a stepping stone towards European integration. Hopefully, this step will also have an effect on media freedoms and eventually effect the amount of freedom that the media and communication sectors face.

Jennifer McKenzie

Suu Kyi's US backers plead to keep sanctions

On Saturday US Congress supporters of Myanmar’s democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi pleaded to keep sanctions on the military regime. The Obama administration is reviewing a strategy of Myanmar, whose ruling junta has kept Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest for 19 years.

The lawmakers, led by longtime Aung San Suu Kyi champion Joseph Crowley, said that Myanmar's leader Than Shwe had shown no desire to engage with the world's only detained Nobel laureate.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received a letter from 17 members of Congress who were concerned that the United States was considering lifting sanctions on Myanmar. The letter noted that last year Congress approved a law subjecting the Myanmar junta to sanctions until it releases all political prisoners and starts dialogue on bringing in democracy. However Jim Webb, who heads the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on Asia, said the United States needed a more "constructive" policy on Myanmar.

Last week State Department official Stephen Blake visited Myanmar, and quietly held talks with the junta and the opposition. This was the first time a senior US envoy visited Myanmar in more than seven years.

Deputy Secretary of State Jim Steinberg said Wednesday the United States was seeking a common approach with Asia on Myanmar and said the six-nation talks on North Korea's nuclear program could serve as a model. Senator Webb said the United States should take a lesson from how it opened relations with China and Vietnam despite human rights and other concerns in the two communist states.

This news article again highlights the many problems of Burma’s ruling junta. It also mentions the highly publicized house arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi. The US government clearly needs to come up with a plan to deal with Burma’s junta. The plan needs to get everyone on the same page and take into account the many opinions discussed briefly in this article. It seems that many people in Washington have ideas about how to make Burma a better place for its citizens and this is important because it shows the problem is the on radar and that we plan to do something about it. Hopefully this new administration can find an approach that works for Burma and its many citizens to help bring democracy to the country.

By Sara Lucid
Burma Group

Russian killings reach past borders

According to a recent report released by the AP, the iron fist of Russian government is reaching past its country lines to suppress oppositional voices. Authorities in Dubai, United Arab Emirates arrested two suspects in the killing of a former Chechen rebel on April 5. This plan is believed to have been masterminded by a member of Russia’s parliament. The slain Sulim Yamadayev was to be a rival of the dominant and current Moscow-backed leader of the Chechnya region of Russia, according to the report. Chechnya has a long history of conflict with Russian authorities, under-going and losing two wars for its independence; this is the first politically motivated killing to take place in Dubai. According to the AP, Dubai authorities have received no cooperation from Russian and Chechnya police forces. As past and similar incidents in the region indicate, this is yet another example of the hostility that continues to exist between the Russian government and anyone who expresses opposing viewpoints.

Russia (Jennifer)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mexico: Narco Wars Video

Daily headlines— Mexico at War—can become commonplace, routine— “Well, no surprise there.” Watching this Narco Wars video helped me to see the actual violence (not just words in a paper or lines read verbatim by a news anchor describing the violence) going on beneath our border.

As of this week, there are 50,000 troops positioned along the Mexico-U.S. border to combat the ongoing drug trafficking war. Over 10,100 people have been killed since December 2006. Violence is worsening as President Felipe Calderón declared war on the drug cartels and is digging deeper into the system—I think of it as going for the root in order to kill the entire cartel plant.

“If you don’t fight the cartels frontally, you have less violence but you have a lot of corruption,” said Political Analyst Jorge Chabat. “If you fight them like they’re doing right now, you have a lot of violence… So, the choice is not easy.”

Felipe is aggressively following through on his plan- "like no other administration in Mexico's history"- to stop the cartels. They're “structured like global terrorist organizations,” making them hard to break down— especially when police and political officials are being bribed with drug money.

“It’s one of the few countries where if you see a policeman, instead of feeling safe you feel threatened,” said an interviewee.

And as our Freedom House speaker mentioned, times of war and violence tend to suppress press freedom, making the Mexican journalists’ jobs even more dangerous now.

-- Amy Eichenlaub, Mexico

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Queen gets turned off by Berlusconi

This week was an important week for leaders across the world with the G-20 summit that happened in London. While our President Obama was present at the summit to try and get other nations on board with trying to recover the global economy, our dear Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi also attended and took a few photos with our history-making president.

Attached is a link of the Queen being annoyed with Berlusconi for shouting out Mr. Obama's name to attract his attention. As you will see in the clip, all the G-20 leaders, including the Queen were brought together for an official photo to mark the summit. After the pictures are taken, you can hear Berlusconi in the background saying "Mr. Obama!" and the Queen turns around and shrugs at Berlusconi saying "what is it?" in a tone of annoyance.

Not only is the Italian prime minister the owner of 90 percent of Italy's media, he apparently seems to have a big mouth also.

Eva Bruce (Italy)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

77 Names Added to Slain Journalists Memorial in DC

On Monday, March 30, 77 names were added to the Journalists Memorial in Washington D.C. The wall is part of the Newseum, a journalism and free speech museum, and according to its mission statement, its purpose is to "to help the public and the news media understand one another better and to raise public awareness to the important ole of free press in a democratic society."

Among the 77 names that were added to the wall on Monday were those of five Mexican journalists who fell victim to the drug violence that prevails in their country. Alberto Ibarguen, the Newseum's chairman said about the Mexican journalists' deaths, "These are not long ago and far away events. The story they're covering in Mexico is a story of drugs and corruption and guns."

Among the journalists honored was Armando Rodriguez, the crime reporter for El Diario in Ciudad Juárez that our group had posted about a couple of weeks ago. While our group is to focus on Mexico, the article also mentions reporters whom were honored on Monday from different countries. The other journalists include Magomed Yevloyev, the owner of a Russian news website, and Ryan Rendleman, a student reporter for the Daily Egyptian.

By: Keirin Ahmad, group Mexico