Sunday, April 5, 2009

Obama praises new NATO members Albania and Croatia

On April 1st, Croatia was inducted in to the NATO as their 27th member. However, the introduction was much overlooked because of Obama's presence as well as protests. Obama praised Croatia and their entry into the NATO, including their reforms in order to make this possible.
The entrance into the NATO leads Croatia closer to the European boarders. This entry is essential in the transformation of Croatia in their economic, cultural, and communication development. Because of their new involvement, both Croatia and Albania are sending troops and equipment to Afghanistan.
The people of Croatia were extremely excited about the entrance into NATO when the decision was first made. However, the excitement really peaked when the people of the nation understood this step as a giant achievement in their foreign policies. This agreement is a seen as a stepping stone towards European integration. Hopefully, this step will also have an effect on media freedoms and eventually effect the amount of freedom that the media and communication sectors face.

Jennifer McKenzie

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