Thursday, September 25, 2008

The price paid for blogging Iran

In Iran, blogging has become more and more popular. The problem is, the Iranian government does not like it. The government is responding to this growing popular interest of blogging by arresting dozens of bloggers. These bloggers reportedly are being detained in solitary confinement or even tortured.
Currently, bloggers Arash Sigarchi and Mojtaba Saminejad are being held in a prison in Iran. The government however has not admitted that their blogging is the reason for their imprisonment. The freedom of expression is truly being threatened in Iran. If a person cannot communicate on the internet from their own home, how are they able to report for print or television media without getting locked up?
The association of Iranian blogwriters known as Penlog is demanding answers from the Iranian government. They either want a formal charge against Saminejad or for him to be released immediately.

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