Sunday, March 22, 2009

Democracy is strong and alive, Abhisit tells London audience

Thailand's Democracy is no longer on a retreat says Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. He can't say for sure how fast the Thai democracy will grow but he does say that it could take centuries if you look back at western history. The prime minister also acknowledged that Thai's previous political reform that resulted in the 1997 constitution, came to a stop when the political leaders abused the charter for their own power. However he promises now that "democracy in Thailand will no longer go backward. Thai people are now at the crossroads. Be assured that the people have taken the right path and will go ahead despite some obstacles." Abhisit Vejjajiva, stated that the abuse of power in pervious years was so the military could return to politics by staging the coup of September 2006.

The new government of Thailand is said to based off the principal of good goverance.

Ashley Hartz

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