Monday, March 30, 2009

Iran cracks down on lifestyle magazine

An article from March 2008 from the committee to protect journalists condemns the Iranian government who recently banned nine lifestyle and cinema magazines because of their foreign content of film stars and their promotion of "superstitions."  
There were corrupt photos of foreign film stars and their fabulous lives.  There was advertising found in these magazines that were for forbidden medicines and articles contrary to the morality and advertisements that were offensive to the ethnic minorities.  The war on freedom of expression in Iran has reached absurd heights.  CJP director Joel Simon said, "The iranian state is party to the international covenant in civil and political rights, which enshrines freedom of expression and the free flow of information.  We call on the government to immediately rescind their ban on these lifestyle magazines."  
The press supervisory board now warned 13 other publications about the consequences if they did not abide by the press law. According to CPJ, a women's magazine was banned with no form of evidence to support the reason for the ban after being published for more than 16 years in print.  

-Amanda Reinstein

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