Sunday, March 29, 2009

Response to "Party Leaders Merge, Berlusconi's Position Strengthened" post

This blog entry is in response to the entry Andrew posted earlier this week. After searching for news articles on Berlusconi I came across this article from 2007 . The article was written after Berlusconi originally announced his plans to create the new party. He described the Italian People's Party for Freedom as a "protagonist of freedom and democracy for decades," and told supporters that the party would unite Italians "against the old fogeys of politics." He hoped that his coalition partners would join the party despite tension between them at the time.
Although Gianfranco Fini, leader of the National Alliance, has merged with Berlusconi, he was originally critical of the idea saying that Berlusconi's center-right coallition would collapse unless he changed his strategy.
A year and a half later Berlusconi's plans came together and the National Alliance Party and the Forza Italia party have officially merged to form the People of Freedom party, and as Andrew mentioned Berlusconi's position has been strengthened yet again.

Jessica Perry

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