Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Burma commences fence construction on Bangladesh border


by Siddique Islam

On Tuesday, Burma started constructing a wall along the border of Bangladesh in order to slow down smuggling into the country. They already have 40 miles of fencing along the Bangladesh border in order to divide the two countries. The fence will range to no man’s land from 50 yds-1000 yards. This is an agreement arranged by both countries. It is not to be malicious or for defense purposes; instead, it is being put up solely for the illegal smuggling of drugs and illegal trafficking into both countries. “This is for the mutual benefit of the two close neighbors,” said Phae Thon Oo, ambassador to Bangladesh.

Bangladesh doesn’t have a problem with this fence as long as it “is erected 100 meters from the zero point.” However, on Monday there was some confusion about where the fence was going to lie and Bangladesh is asking for explanation from Burma. Burma has not issued a formal explanation yet, but they are discussing where their position truly is.
“Bangladesh and Burma share 190 miles of common border. Burmese authorities are constructing a fence along an approximately 40-mile stretch of the boundary.”

-Sarah Greenert

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