Sunday, March 15, 2009

Croatia in the top 35 countries in competitive tourism

Among 133 countries, currently Croatia is number 34 in tourism according to the new World Economic Forum's (WEF)Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report.

The report also shows the difficulty that many different countries are facing regarding the recession. The report also states the extreme competitiveness in the tourism industry as well as the changes in the energy prices and how it effects the tourism industry.

Some of the countries that Croatia is ahead of are Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. However, the most competitive countries are Switzerland, Austria and Germany, yet again. These countries are listes as the most competitive based on the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI).

The areas that Croatia lost credibility regarding their tourism, was in areas such as price competitiveness, air-price competitiveness, and air-travel infrastructure. They also had low rating becuase of the availability of their professionals.

The rating in Croatia's tourism department is crucial in their attempt to get out of the recession that they are currently fighting through. Their tourism industry is an important part of Croatia's economic crisis.

Jennifer McKenzie

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